Already over half way through summer, and I'm just drinking it all in! I refuse to lament over the little time I have left to enjoy my sliver of freedom, and instead I am going to live all the moments with as much life and love as I possibly can. The other day, I was doing my morning devotions, and I felt like the author was completely calling me out on all of my BS. I mean. I felt her words like a literal punch in the gut, and it took the wind right out of me....(It also could have been my morning walk, but we're not even going to go there...)
ANYWHO.. the author goes on to tell a story about some friends of hers who spent some time in a monastery. One of her friends took a vow of silence for three days which was incredibly difficult and meaningful. When he was able to speak, he immediately began to complain about the cold showers, tasteless food, and his aching body. She said "Nothing was that bad until he spoke the words aloud." She goes on to remind us that voicing complaints aggravates every situation. Paul writes in Philippians 2:14, "Do everything without complaining and arguing." I mean... c'mon. This was very obviously directed right towards my heart. I honestly feel horrible admitting it, but after THE hardest teaching year to date, I can tell you that I complained A LOT last school year. Like a lot. And I always justified it by saying that it was mentally, physically, and emotionally taking a toll on my body. The author continues on by saying that "voicing complaints sharpens life's edges and increases pain."
This is such a hard truth. Complaining about the hard never, not once, made me feel better about it. Only while I was complaining did I feel some relief because I felt like I had some camaraderie amongst my teammates. But after I walked away, I continued to dwell on it. The small sliver of relief I felt in sharing my pain, doubled up in agony later when it was all I could think about. I was effectively shooting myself in the foot "getting it off my chest". It made me feel like I was in the wrong profession and that I had made a mistake choosing a career.
So now that I'm on the other side of the hump and have spent some time reflecting, I am choosing to put transform that negative energy into positive. We get one life right? I'm not spending it irritated and angry.
Therefore..... Here are my current summer faves.
That Ball Life
Soft or Base....we don't care. We're here for it all. We love it.
Baby snuggles, Surprise parties, and The Ozarks
Class reunions and Besties
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15 years. What is life? (Also. More people were there. We just forgot a picture) |
A new pool and my favorite lifeguard
Picking Strawberries
A mini vacation with my tribe
A Bookclub I am smitten with
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If you are looking for something to give you life and you love to read, this Jen Hatmaker book club is seriously for you. I can't speak it's praises highly enough. I'm just here for it all. |
We are enjoying our summer the best way we know how. For the record, I have yet to lose any weight or eat healthier even though I said I would. Don't give me that judgement. ;)
Have a fabulous end of your weekend! So much love.