Spur of the moment, last minute, procrastinator, impromptu...all of these words vividly describe my personality, and typically, there is a negative connotation behind all of them. Take for example that my son will be done with wrestling after this weekend and I have yet to fill out the paper work and pay for him to participate. Thankfully, my dear cousin Heidi knows me and hasn't kicked us to the curb...yet. However, this weekend, we took impromptu to a whole new level. Like let's-get-away-for-the-weekend-and-leave-in-an-hour type of impromptu. Did I mention my hubby is a bit nuts? Because he is. And I love it. (Most of the time) So we left the dishes in the sink, the laundry overflowing baskets in our bedroom, messy bedrooms with unmade beds and toilets that needed scrubbing, and we high-tailed it out of town for a 24 hour getaway (Not unlike the small Minneapolis Getaway of October 2012 ;) ) The kids were all sorts of excited about thehotel....it's all we heard every five seconds the whole way down.
She looks so excited. Can you tell she's almost a tween. GAH! | | | | |
And while it was a short trip. It was oh so memorable. It wasn't without it's flaws, like let's say for example forgetting to take your son's medication makes for a VERY excited little boy who can't contain his enthusiasm and requires at least 5 reminders for every task. Dad was super impressed. (Not so much)
The kids were mesmerized by the view from our hotel. I'd have to say,
mom and dad were a bit too. This is how the rest of our Saturday
commenced: window peeking, swimming, hot tubbing, jumping on beds, and
giggling until our sides hurt.
Watch me Dad! |
Taking a little break from getting jammies on by jumping on the bed. No harm, no foul. |
"I is so cold mommy" |
We enjoyed the sleeping in and the long showers and the care free attitude because we had nowhere we had to be at that very moment. Note to self- when you take away a schedule, life it so.much.better. So a trip to Denny's and a hop, skip and a jump later, we were at the Mall of America ready to get our rides on. As much as I hate to see my kids growing up so fast, it has been so much fun to be able to do things as a family unit more and more. As Sawyer gets older and taller, his affinity for adventure does too. He was all in for this trip. Nothing scared him! Here are a few of our favorite moments from the day.
Waiting in line for Diego's bus! |
Daddy and Sawyer waiting for the log ride! |
First ride of the day- Ferris wheel. CHECK He loved waiting for Dan, Jaedyn and Carter to get into view and frantically wave, "Hi guys!!" |
Sawyer building a HUGE tower with dad at Legoland |
One of the few attitudeless pictures with my first born |
Waiting for a table at Kokomo's. First off---wrong genders maybe? Secondly, this place does wonders to make your mind take you to a tropical place, especially an hour before you brave the -35 degree windchill on the way home. |
We found the old home plate for the Twin's Stadium. My dad always has such fond memories. It was fun to be able to capture a snapshot of something that was so important to his childhood. |
I promised him this would be the best ride the whole day. You wouldn't believe me by the looks of this picture, but I promise he told me it was his favorite. |
I believe he's saying, "NO DADDY NO" |
Bumper cars were a hit! |
The only family picture we got, but it will do! |
Minus a few bumps in the road like a daughter who acts like she's 16 once in awhile, repeating directions a million times, leaving a pillow at the hotel, and a hubby with a nasty migraine headache who wore headaches to drown out my singing the whole way home, I would say this impromptu getaway was a success.
So for us today, impromptu is positive. Impromptu means living in the moment. Impromptu means memory making with the people you love. Thank you John and Jean for the free passes. You helped us make some memories this weekend. Happy Monday!
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