Holy cows...it's been a few weeks since I've been up in here. I have a lot of ideas in my head, but then the weather got nice, and I was freed from my home to play outside and enjoy the sunshine. Then God reminded me we live in Iowa so after an 80 degree day, God blessed us with snow and the naughty words my phone said "Feels like 19 degrees". So inside we go. It's starting to warm up a bit again, but I'm forseeing some rain in the forecast, and so we'll see what the next few weeks bring!
As the weather gets nicer, my workout routines have been getting more consistent. I don't know why I feel like it needs to be nice considering the majority of my workouts are inside, but it does something for my mental being and motivation. I thought I'd share what I'm doing in hopes to inspire somebody (chuckle chuckle). Bahahaha! Just kidding. What that should say is HOLD MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE. :) Okay. I said it. I need a swift kick in the ars most days. It's why my friend Dawn needs to come with me to CX and zumba or I find something "more important" that needs my attention. Amy also needs to hold me accountable to get up at 4:45 am.....(yep, I said that) three days a week so I'll workout too. It doesn't get done without them.
I'm telling you what....I need my girls. At this point in the game, I'm about as codependent as they come. I'm ashamed to admit that, but it's true. I like shameless truth-telling. I wish I had the motivation and self-control to workout on my own and eat right, but I'm just not there yet. I may not be a skinny minny or the most knowledgeable person to learn from, but I've "been there, done that, and tried it all". I've been where a lot of you are, and I'm still there. I'm not a success story....yet, but I will be. And until I have one to share, I'll just let you know what I'm doing right at this very minute. I'll share with you the things that are "working" for me and that are sending me in the right direction. Most importantly, I'm reminding myself at how far I've come....maybe not in pounds, but in actions. Here you go:
As far as exercise goes, I'm a rock star. I don't have a rockin body, but regardless, rock star I am. If there's anything I've learned it's that I loathe most forms of exercise. At least I used to. Let's be honest people...you don't put your heart into something you hate so FIND SOMETHING YOU LOVE. For me, my soul mate exercise is zumba. I love dancing, and I love that I can suck at it and still love it. When you can laugh at yourself and still enjoy something, I call that success. Running is something that I can't quite say "I love" yet, at least not when I'm doing it, but at the end of every run I always say how great I feel. I always feel stronger, and that trumps how I'm feeling in the moment any day. I also love that this is something I can do by myself. It clears my head, allows me to listen to my favorite jams and just let go for 30 minutes. Now if I can stop being terrified to try it again since my accident, we'll be set. I have also been trying to throw in some lifting and toning as well. I've been told that the more muscle I have, the more calories I will burn, and since I am nearly 50% body fat (I wish I was joking. I seriously can't believe I just typed that), I'm in major need of some muscle gain. Plus, I'd like some Jillian Michaels' arms. For real. Finally, I try to devote an hour of my time to Body Flow (yoga, tai chi, pilates) on Saturdays just to get de-clutter. (The 10 minutes of "nap" time at the end is totally why I go. Not joking. )
I'll tell you that my schedule is always changing. I usually have something going on for my kids or school, etc, and nothing is ever set in stone, but here is what I try to abide by. I've learned I NEED to schedule it in or it won't happen. Here it goes:
Monday- Morning Walk/Adding in running after school soon!
Tuesday- CX Works and Zumba
Wednesday- Body Pump/Afternoon run
Thursday- CX Works and Zumba
Friday- Morning Walk/Afternoon Run
Saturday- Body Pump/CX Works/Body Flow
Sunday-Rest or short walk
I am by no means consistent yet, and this is totally a goal I'm working towards. I've had a heck of a time losing weight even on this fitness regime, but I attribute that part to my loyalty of chips and queso and not to my exercise. Once I get my act together in nutrition land, I should be set. ;) In any event, I feel a whole lot better when I'm doing this, and my ankle thanks me too! It helps my ankle from getting stiff and sore, so if this is what I have to do....so be it.
At this point, I've got no pointers on the nutrition aspect. I know that weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% fitness. Well I've got the 20% covered, and I'm trying to work on my nutrition. It's the whole self-control thing. Seriously. I love food. End of story. I'm working on easy recipes, planning ahead and seriously getting on top of this self-control. I know HOW to do it, I just am not doing it. Anyone who's conquered this feat is welcome to give me some pointers because I don't know what the h my problem is.
Another thing that Amy and I have done to keep us motivated is make a dream board. It is large and in charge and doesn't fit nice in my house, but I look at it, every.single.day...multiple times a day and I remember that I want to look good and feel good. I've made goals and rewards for myself and hopefully, this will do the trick. It's working so far, at least as far as keeping my workouts consistent.
On the left, I have mini clothespins (walmart) that represent the pounds I have to lose. When I lose them, I transfer them up top so I have a visual of where I am. The middle has a bunch of magazine clippings, motivational quotes and things that help me see where I want to be. On the right, I have written down my rewards for every 10 pounds I lose so I have something to work towards. At the bottom is a calendar that plans out my workouts. Amy and I got little red tabs from Walmart that we put on the calendar each day that we workout. Once we both hit 30 workouts, we reward ourselves with a healthy dinner and a movie. It's a win-win. I'm enjoying this so far!
Well that's all folks. Thanks for sticking with me. Like I said, I'm not a success story yet, but I know what it feels like to fail time and time again. What I've learned is that I'm a warrior. I haven't given up. Two years of actively working out and I've lost a total of 7 pounds. It's not story-worth at all, but it's real, and I know a lot of you are struggling with this too. Here's my motivation for the day: DON'T GIVE UP. EVER. Someday we'll be a success story. Hold me accountable people. I'm a rebel. I like to jump off the wagon. Keep me buckled in.
Peace out. :)
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