Monday, May 6, 2019

Here Comes the Sun (doo doo doo doo)

Welp, haven't been very faithful in my posting as of late. No good excuses either really. Just living life. It's been a pretty low key spring thus far. We were in a sort of hiatus from sports the last 6-7 weeks since volleyball finished. Jae actually starts softball practice on Monday. (probably today once I get this posted.) Once games start, we will be in go mode, so we are enjoying a little break. I can't say I'm not excited to watch them play ball. It's one of my favorite times of year, but having some time to ourselves hasn't been all bad. The weather is slowly starting to shift. It's still chilly much of the time, but the sun has been peeking out on a much more regular basis as of late, and I have to say, I'm not mad about it. It's given me a chance to sit on the deck with my book and take a few more walks outside. It definitely helps my energy and mood. That's for sure!

I've gotta say. This school year has been a rough one. I haven't posted a lot of substance on here and definitely haven't been writing regularly. I am hoping to change that when school lets out. I'm just so exhausted once the day is through. Some days it's hard to function when I get home. My brain is mush. We are all ready for a break over here. I am looking forward to spending some time on myself and my family once that last bell rings.

This is the first summer that we don't have a vacation planned for our family. It's kind of strange but also a little refreshing. Dan and I are trying to plan a 15 year anniversary vacation for next year, so having no agenda this summer takes a little pressure off of us. Hopefully we can do something impromptu and small, but we will see where the summer leads.

As for me? I'm hoping to write more. Take more pictures. Make it to all the games. Read a lot of books. Lay by the pool. Make time to meet up with friends I haven't seen in a hot minute. Just thinking about it gets me excited to recharge.

In the meantime, here's what we've been doing recently. :)

My step-brother got married in March! So we capitalized on photo ops. :)

Our nieces had a 3 on 3 basketball tournament. We love living across the street from so many activities!

Dan and Carter went to the Middle School retreat. It was such a great time for them!

Playing a little Gaga ball during the retreat

We played our own games while Dad and Carter were away

Sawyer played some rec basketball this year to see if he'd like it. Turns out, he loves it!

 Our annual Girls' shopping trip. Such a great time.

Lots of spring concerts. Last one is Tuesday night!

Jaedyn's last concert ever possibly. :(

Lovely ladies. :)

Sawyer and I made it for Lili's spring concert. 
 Easter with the fam bam.

Supporting my colleague's mission- Midwest Honor Flights by attending a fundraiser at a Sioux Falls brewery with Dan's sibs. It was a great time!

Dates with these lovelies!
Twin sandwiches are my favorite.

Lunch dates with these two <3

Attending a gala for a local charity with my bestie. 
One of the best parts?? Our room is pretty well finished, with the exception of wall decor! Carpet is in, and it looks SO good. It feels so homey. My hubby did an AMAZING job! I get almost 0 credit other than helping pick things out. He is so great!!

We do have curtains! They just didn't come until after the picture was taken. :)

We will celebrate our 14th anniversary on Tuesday, so we made a quick getaway this weekend. So needed. Such a great time. Our hotel was downtown and close to everything we did which was nice. We saw some live music, ate downtown, looked at some shops, and hit up the Falls!

Enjoying our spring so far, and patiently waiting for warm, sunny days to be the norm! Happy May friends!