Our weekend was good. A little chaotic at times, but good. Friday night was supposed to be Warrior Way for our 3rd graders. It's something they all look forward to as they were going to get to make a tunnel for the team to run through. Mother Nature had her way, though, and instead of cheering on the Warriors to a victory, Carter and I high tailed it home before the storm could make it's appearance. I had to giggle a little bit as I was dropping off my computer at school before supper. I left Carter in the car while it was running so I could quickly run into school and came back outside to him running around my vehicle crying uncontrollably and yelling at me through his tears that I left him in the car to die. I was so confused, but quickly figured out that the National Weather Service had interrupted his tunes on the radio to tell Sioux City and the surrounding communities to seek shelter as tornado sightings were spotted. Of course the only word he heard was tornado, no matter that it was an hour away, and so we had to diffuse that bomb. The boys and I spent the evening in the basement while Dan went out with the weather spotters. I was so impressed with how well they handled the weather. They were very calm. I was so proud of them. Jaedyn was at a sleepover, and while it always makes me nervous not to have all my babies under one roof during bad weather, her mother assured me all was well, and again I was reminded that I'm going to have to let go and let God.
For the record I did have a video that Dan took of the storm, but I can't figure out how to get it on here. Anyways, I'm sure most of you have seen a storm. :)
Saturday was long, but good. The girls and I did Super Saturday at the Courtyard. Four hours of Body Pump, CX, Body Flow, Zumba and Body Combat followed by a hot bath. The kids and I spent the afternoon cheering on Jada at the Red Raider volleyball game. We cheered on Jenni too. She was a line judge. Sister is a rock star at line judging. I'd hire her. It was a great game! I thought Jaedyn would like to see a game in action since she wants to play next year. We even made a mini care package for each of the girls. Five pumpkin muffins, some salt water taffy and a couple packages of apple cider. Sounds Fall-y to me. We celebrated Casey's birthday that evening with some Phase 10 and chocolate chip cookies courtesy of Pumpkinland.
Sunday was a fabulous day of relaxation. Dan had a group date with the big boys at B Dubbs to watch the football games. We went to Pizza Hut for lunch with Shelley and wasted some quarters on some fake mustaches and a claw machine that spits out one piece of candy for twenty-five cents. Rip off? Maybe. But it made them happy. We watched the Titanic in the afternoon and cuddled on the couch. It was a delightful day of nothingness.

I think we shall do some Octoberish things this week. I've been itching to cross some more things off our Fall bucketlist. I think I shall bake something with pumpkin, take the family to Pumpkinland on one of these beautiful 70 degree days, and maybe concoct a Fall sangria for the weekend. Happy Monday to you!
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